Sydney Pools – The Best Places to Cool Off in Sydney

sidney pools

While Sydney may have some of the world’s most famous beaches, that doesn’t mean it’s short on places to cool off this summer. In fact, the city boasts a whole smorgasbord of swimming pools, from rockpools hewn from beach headlands to high-tech aquatic leisure parks.

The city’s biggest claim to fame in this department is its collection of ocean pools, which are man-made public seawater pools situated on a surf coast so that waves wash over their sides. According to Marie-Louise McDermott, an expert on the subject who writes about them at All Into Ocean Pools, Sydney has more of these pools than any other city in the world.

And while they’re not as iconic as the Opera House or Harbour Bridge, they certainly make for a great alternative swim spot when the sand gets too hot or you just want to splash around in something a bit more structured. Here are our picks of the best sidney pools – from those perfect for laps to family-friendly spots where dogs are welcome.

In inner Sydney, the Prince Alfred Park Pool is a little slice of summer perched between Surry Hills and Redfern. Buttercup yellow sun umbrellas and lawns strewn with sunbathers lend it a Riviera vibe, while its 50-metre pool always seems to be at that jump-right-in temperature. And if you want to kick back and soak up some rays after your dip, the pool’s adjoining park is dog-friendly.

Shelly Beach is another good option for families, with a big patch of green beside the ocean pool that’s open to swimmers and sunbathers. This pool also won a National Architecture Award when it was upgraded in 2014, and you can even bring your pup along for the day on a leash.

Coogee also has its fair share of gorgeous tidal pools, including the Wylie’s Baths, established in 1907 by champion long-distance swimmer Henry Alexander Wylie. Designed to provide safe and easy access to the water for swimmers during high tide, it’s one of Sydney’s most beautiful rocky pools, with decking built into the cliffs and sweeping views over Wedding Cake Island.

At the northern end of the beach is one of the most popular rockpools in town: Curl Curl Rockpool, which is helpfully divided by a original wall that dates from the 1920s separating the 50m pool and a shallower splash area for kids. Meanwhile, hidden on the northern headland is one of the most picturesque rockpools in the city, North Curl Curl Rockpool.

The best thing about Sydney’s pools is that they can be found all over the city, so you don’t have to travel far to find your perfect swim spot. But, as always, be careful in the ocean – and never swim alone! Having someone to keep an eye on you can be very important, especially when you’re a beginner or just trying out a new pool. Check out our top tips for swimming safely in the ocean here.